Maximizing productivity with Bigleaf’s real-time traffic adaptation 

Maximizing Productivity with Bigleaf's Real-Time Traffic Adaptation

How Bigleaf Helps Keep Your Business Running Smoothly In today’s fast-moving business world, being efficient and productive is super important. A big part of this is making sure your internet works well, especially for important work tasks. Bigleaf Networks has a smart way to make sure your internet doesn’t slow you down. Bigleaf Makes Your…

The role of SD-WAN in supporting hybrid work environments 

The Role of SD-WAN in Supporting Hybrid Work Environments 

Not so very long ago, we all commuted to and from our offices every day for work, there were cars and traffic and freeways involved. Of course, then 2020 happened and suddenly we all worked remotely and began just commuting down the hallway of our own home instead of down the freeway.  As we enter 2024,…

What Is Dynamic QoS? Prioritize internet traffic intelligently & seamlessly

Dynamic QoS automatically prioritizes your important internet traffic.

SaaS, cloud, and internet technology users rejoice – thanks to Bigleaf Dynamic QoS, your business-critical applications will still perform seamlessly no matter what’s going on in the background.  Networking is a distinct territory within IT with equally distinct jargon to match. One term you’ve probably heard of is quality of service (QoS) – technology that…

How to create a network that is resilient against internet outages and issues

On August 30th, CenturyLink/Level 3 experienced a widespread internet outage lasting nearly 5 hours. This not only impacted their network and their direct customers, but it also affected many other ISPs and services that connected to their network, directly or indirectly. Each year, there are numerous notable internet disruptions like that one, which can bring…

Managing QoS for home office workers remotely

How can IT help everybody who’s working from home? With the sudden, urgent shift to work from home that began in March and the current likelihood that many will continue to work remotely, IT and help desk staff are expanding into new territory. Instead of just on-premise-support, now your IT team is also supporting dozens,…

What is QoS and how do we know if it will help us work from home?

Now that the kids and adults are home across our neighborhoods, all working, schooling, playing, or simply looking for ways to entertain ourselves, we’re all on the internet all the time. This taxes our residential internet connections in unprecedented ways. While all applications that use the internet are impacted by connection quality and bandwidth issues,…

Prioritizing business traffic over Netflix in the home office

Many of us are currently working out of home offices alongside our family members or roommates who are doing the same. In addition to sharing more meals and living space, we’re also sharing more of our home Internet connection during more hours of the day. This can mean that one or two people are in…

QoS over the Internet for VoIP and Cloud Apps, Part 2

This is a follow-up to the 1st post of this 2-post series on our Dynamic QoS Prioritization. This will be more of a technical deep-dive on QoS and how our implementation works. Bigleaf QoS Concepts, In-Depth Let’s dive into the details, through all 5 concepts discussed in the previous post. Smart Sacrifice Legacy network appliances…

Bigleaf Differentiators for Salespeople

2022 Bigleaf Networks Logo White on green field

The Bigleaf Differentiators… For Salespeople     As I have mentioned in the past, Bigleaf has some really smart people on the team. They also have me – a salesperson. Most of the time, our smart people are doing smart things to make Bigleaf better. However, they also spend some quality time, explaining how we…