If Customer has ordered Bigleaf Wireless Connect Services, these additional terms apply to such Services:
AT&T Pass-through Terms
In the event that Customer has purchased Service Plans identifying AT&T Wireless (“AT&T”) as the wireless provider in Bigleaf’s customer portal, the following terms are applicable to Customer and made a part of the Agreement:
Verizon Pass-through Terms
In the event that Customer has purchased Bigleaf Wireless Connect Service Plans identifying Verizon Wireless (“Verizon”) as the wireless provider in Bigleaf’s customer portal, the following terms are applicable to Customer and made a part of the Services Agreement:
Customer has no contractual relationship with Verizon, and Customer is not a third-party beneficiary of any agreement between or among Verizon and any of its distributors or resellers through one or more tiers (for purposes of these Pass-through Terms, each a “Reseller”). Customer understands and agrees that Verizon and Resellers shall have no legal, equitable, or other liability of any kind to Customer.
T-Mobile Pass-through Terms
In the event that Customer has purchased Bigleaf Wireless Connect Service Plans identifying T-Mobile (“T-Mobile”) as the wireless provider in Bigleaf’s customer portal, the following terms are applicable to Customer and made a part of the Agreement:
Bigleaf Wireless Connect Services Addendum