We live in an era where the names of cloud-based applications have literally become verbs. Slack me! I’ll Zoom you! Most of us spend a large part of our workday in either Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace and need uninterrupted access to maintain those vital connections. We share files through Dropbox, and thoughts through Evernote. The list of cloud-based applications seems to grow every day, from Adobe Creative Suite and Salesforce to HubSpot, Trello, and GitHub.
Not to mention Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Oracle Cloud Applications. When it comes to convenience, collaboration, productivity, and scalability, there’s just no better option than cloud applications.
Your head might be in The Cloud, but your feet…
Your feet are in your office, and what that means is that your access to any data that lives in the cloud, as well as any applications running from there, are all subject to your actual network connection.
This is where issues of speed, stability, reliability, and even fundamental access come into play. For example, some cloud applications even depend on your IP address remaining the same in order to sustain your active session; a change in IP means the session drops and you may need to reconnect or re login.
Maintaining a stable, reliable, and dependable connection to your cloud-based applications is essential for protecting your workflow. But unfortunately, there’s just so many variables at play that can cause instability, jitter, or other connectivity issues, prohibiting you from achieving the uninterrupted access you need.
No dropped Zoom or Teams calls and no need to re-login to any cloud-based tools.
One of the most helpful features of Bigleaf is the direct connection Bigleaf has with over 150 cloud content and carrier networks. Not only does this increase the security of your cloud app connections, but also delivers the reliability you need to achieve not only uninterrupted cloud application access but also that magical flow state where productivity starts to run at the speed of creativity!

Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining
Bigleaf solves every single issue mentioned above, and more. For that IP address example, Bigleaf provides Same IP Failover, which means even if your main circuit crashed entirely, like if a construction crew physically severs the line, your traffic would be immediately and seamlessly routed to your alternate circuit(s) without your IP address even changing. That’s uninterrupted access. You likely wouldn’t even know the traffic reroute took place, it would be that seamless. Of course, more important than you not knowing is that your cloud applications wouldn’t know either.
Future-proofing Your Cloud Connectivity with Uninterrupted Access
Bigleaf not only immediately begins working to optimize your network and your cloud connectivity from the moment you plug it in, but it’s also designed to grow with your business. Our single circuit, multiple circuit, and High Availability configurations ensure your network is always optimized and your cloud access is uninterrupted and lightning fast!
Visit our website to learn more now!
A version of this content was originally published as part of our Linkedin Newsletter, Bigleaf Bytes, in January 2024. Subscribe now on LinkedIn.