Customer Story

Why medical offices and care facilities rely on Bigleaf

Healthcare is moving to the cloud  More and more of the day-to-day operations of the typical medical office, assisted living facility, clinic, and care facility rely on the internet. They’re turning to cloud-based tools to more efficiently and effectively connect providers, patients, and data.  Patient medical records and communications are being managed digitally. Phone … Read More

[Case study] Bigleaf revives toymaker’s cloud reliability

Learn how Bigleaf helped toy manufacturer and distributor OzWest to create a stable Internet connection that ensures streamlined warehouse operations. PDF Title Download

Non-profits and businesses transform communications with Bigleaf

How to transform communications with Bigleaf Work-from-home and social distancing trends accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic, as organizations found new ways to connect with their customers, partners, and vendors in the new environment.  Many of their plans revolved around new … Read More

Bigleaf connects auto dealerships to the cloud

According to the National Automobile Dealers Association, there are over 16,000 franchised car dealerships in the U.S. alone, selling around 17.5 million cars each year for a total of $995 billion in new car sales revenue. Combine that with another … Read More

Logistics giant Allen Lund moves 30 sites to cloud-based communications with Bigleaf

Facing a roadblock on his logistics company’s cloud journey, Craig Borzelliere, manager of IT Systems and Infrastructure Department for Allen Lund Company, turned to Bigleaf Networks. Bigleaf sat down with Craig to learn more about the transition. Craig moved Allen … Read More

TruHome builds a cloud-based call center with Bigleaf

TruHome builds a cloud-based call center with Bigleaf John Pentlin, VP of IT at TruHome, removed a roadblock from his company’s cloud journey with help from Bigleaf Networks. Every day, IT leaders like John are moving critical business technologies like … Read More

DP Fox builds a cloud-first future with Bigleaf

Meet Grant Zondervan. Grant, who is VP of IT at DP Fox Motors, accelerated his company’s cloud journey with internet optimization from Bigleaf Networks, to support future growth at the large chain of auto dealerships. Every day, IT leaders like … Read More

Introducing Bigleaf Wireless Connect